At the Sanctuary of the Divine Heart, we are engaged in religious and spiritual activities, as well as work that benefits our community and individual members.
We believe in one Divine Source, a Creative Force that directs the current of life throughout the entire universe. This Divine Source has many names according to the tradition one follows. Some call it God, others refer to it as the Great Cosmic Weaver, the Source, Bhagavan, Olorum, Elohim, Allah, Yuxibu, and many various names. In its essence, we believe this force to be one and the same. While we aspire to connect with this Divine Source, the Sanctuary of the Divine Heart, as an interfaith practice, honors the different paths our members each choses to manifest this connection.
Our worship is made of various practices including, but not limited to, consecration of sacrament, ceremonies of prayer and meditation, connection to nature in its many forms, singing and dancing, and work of devotional service.
If you are interested in learning more about our activities, you are welcomed to contact us via the Contact form on this website.
“Remember: Joy is not merely incidental to your spiritual quest. It is vital.”
— Rebbe Nachman of Breslev